What we read, what we watch, the conversations we have, and what we physically do with our bodies, they all affect our minds. We can go on wonderful mental journeys, but they can also take a toll on our wellbeing.
Life entails a lot of stress, but our minds can help us remain in the moment, live in the now.
There are so many ways available to shift and alter our experience of life. To choose what we wish that experience to be. To write our own story. Our bodies and souls go hand in hand.
The way we treat our body and the understanding we have of how our mind affects us, are crucial in leading a happy, full life.
It’s very unlikely that you haven’t heard of Marie Kondo. Her organizing method, speaks to your heart, to what sparks joy for you. And to all you cynics out there, try to stay open-minded while Annabel Kupraly and I take you an a KonMari journey.