chillax, a short guide back to peace of mind

Our body is very smart, and in response to fear and stress, “fight or flight” is activated. Our body releases stress hormones making the heart beat faster, our breathing becomes faster and shallower, and sugar levels rise. If we overcome the stress our body regroups, but ongoing stress takes a toll on the body.

Our muscles are activated in stressful situations to protect us from injuries, but over time that will cause strained muscles, back pain, headaches, and exhaustion.

Stress hormones will increase sugar levels and the chances of diabetes. Heart rate will increase, raising the odds of heart attacks and strokes. Cortisol, a stress hormone, represses the immune system, exposing us to illness.

This is enough to cause anxiety for anyone, but it’s an important reminder of the importance of preserving a healthy body and soul relationship, as the two are closely linked. Therefore, anxiety should be addressed and solved to keep our general health. Certain situations cause an increase in anxiety, exam period, personal crisis, and health issues and require us to actively work on lowering our stress levels.

Together with Lotem Levi, Chinese Medicine therapist and natural pharmacist, we wrote down for you some easy recommendations to help you restore your peace of mind and use that healthy soul to support your strength and immunity, whatever you may face in life. 

When was the last time you took a deep breath


Mindfulness is a way of bringing attention to the present, judgment unwelcome. Mindfulness can be nurtured by meditation, and you can easily start by following short, focused YouTube spots. You do not need to know anything to begin practicing mindfulness, but a quiet spot will help you eliminate distractions and focus on calming down. it might be hard, to begin with, but trust me, it gets easier, and this is an amazing skill to have, as you can use it anywhere and anytime you feel you need that extra boost.

This is an example of a free ten-minute mindfulness spot

Essential oils

Essential oils in multiple forms can calm the nervous system, balance our mood, ease breathing, lift the spirit and act as antidepressants.

Diffuser – old school pot on the stove, burner with a candle or automatic one, they all work!

A small bottle with oil-infused salts for inhalation – a small spoon of coarse salt topped with about 10 drops of oil. Available for you for support always and everywhere.

Warm cloth infused with oils to place on our neck or back. Soak a cloth in a bowl of warm water and about 15 drops of the essential oil of your choice.

Home spray – a spoonful of alcohol (to preserve the oils longer), up to 30 drops of oils, and top up with water. Done!

An oil bath is always a good idea – add oils to coarse salt to add to the bath for maximum effect.

What essential oils should I use?

Different essential oils promote different qualities, and these are some of the most beneficial ones for stress and anxiety relief.

Bergamot – helps treat problems related to digestion and fever is great for migraines, and helps stop confusion.

Lemon – clarifies and purifies, uplifting.

Geranium – reduces feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, fatigue, and tension, enhances concentration, improves cognitive function, and balances emotions and hormones. Very effective combined with Bergamot.

Frankincense – helps eliminate obsessive-compulsive thoughts and creates a sense of calmness, security, and confidence. It also helps balance extreme moods.

Lavender– assists in clarifying thoughts and obtaining a sense of calmness, eases the breath and stress-induced headaches.

Using pressure points

Yin Tang – placed between your eyebrows, gentle pressing or rubbing with closed eyes can decrease stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

Tai Yang – located on the temples, between the edge of the eyebrows and the hairline. Applying pressure on both sides creates immediate relaxation and headache relief and helps with anxiety and trouble sleeping.

An Mian – behind the ear, pressing or rubbing both sides will promote relaxation, and slow down rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, and sleep issues.

Work out

Workout has been found in research as a very effective way of eliminating stress, partially by releasing endorphins, natural pain reliever, promoting sleep and a good mood. 

The great outdoors!

Even looking to the sky or our window can lower anxiety, refresh your thoughts, slow your heart rate and boost your immune system.

And most importantly, do you! You know what works best for you, take the time to unwind, spend time with people you love, cuddle your dog, and have fun!

It’s always great to be supported by professionals, you can take part in group meditation and mindfulness sessions, join group workouts and classes, and if you’ve decided to seek treatment – acupuncture, treatment, and therapy, make sure to choose a certified professional.