Wear your heart on your sleeve

I teamed up with AnyWear.online, and we’ve created a capsule collection packed with kindness. We designed basic, timeless, multi-functional items to allow you to establish a minimal long-lasting wardrobe. The clothes are tailor-made for you, meaning there is no excess production ending up in landfills. It also means that every woman, in every size, will be able to wear whatever the F she wants; because you tailor each item to your exact measurements. The collection is made from natural, eco-friendly fabrics; the first two items available now from Linen in natural coloring. Your clothes will be made in Israel with love by women receiving a fair salary, job security, and social conditions. With every order you make from this collection, 20% will be donated to better the lives of the kids of Orr Shalom

Shop the collection here tailor-made to your exact sizes

For many years, my entire closet was fast fashion, and I was so proud of it. I was the master of pulling off a 20$ look and making it seem Versace. I never saw the point in spending more than the bare minimum for items I’ll only be wearing a handful of times, as fashion will change, and so will my personal taste.

I never gave too much thought to what fabrics my clothes are made of, and the price tag was pretty much the only thing I was aware of when shopping: the cheaper, the better, the more, the merrier. 

Fabric is a crucial factor in determining the effect of a garment.

A few years ago, I watched the movie The True Cost. I could not stop crying the whole time. I felt like I was living in the dark, and someone pointed a huge bright blinding projector at all the wrongdoing I was supporting. The exploitation of the garment workers, the huge environmental impact, and the suffering caused on such a huge scale so that I can enjoy my cheap, over-exploding closet. 

The first year after the movie, I refrained from buying clothes and reading anything I could get my hands on. I wanted to understand how my fashion decisions impact the world I live in. 

I was already vegan, very eco-conscious, or at least that’s what I thought at the time. I was volunteering with foster kids at Orr Shalom and believed we should all do our best to allow those born into difficult circumstances to be safe and have a chance for a better life.

One hour of watching that movie made me realize I was creating all the damage and pain I was working so hard to correct. So I can buy a cheap T-shirt. 

Cheap fashion comes at a high cost. For our environment and people less fortunate than us, working in unworthy conditions to allow a cheap enough production cost for us lucky ones to be happy.

I knew I wanted to make better, kinder decisions, and those two elements were my starting point. 

I want to wear clothes made with love for our world and to the people living in it. 

When I wanted to change my ways, I realized that making a positive, kind decision about my wardrobe can be difficult. So I am very grateful for this opportunity to make it easier to choose better. I promise I will continue to hold the highest humanitarian and environmental standards, promising each purchase you make from this collaboration will be a positive one. 

Shop my collection here